Welcome to PigConsult

PigConsult is an independant consultancyfirm specialised in pigfarming, in which personnel is what it´s all about.


Joep Gockel

Joep Gockel

40 years old. I’ve been involved in pigkeeping for over 20 years in Germany an the Netherlands. I started as a generall employee and grew out to be a farm manager over the years. Pigfarms with personnel from the Netherlands, Germany and from Poland.

After having worked directly for farm owners I switched to commercial firms. I was a salesrepresentative for a hygiene company and a feed company over a period of 8 years. In these functions I was active in Germany and the Netherlands on sow- and finisher farms. Over the years I learned a lot from the experiences made on several farms. This lead me to devellop an vision on pigfarming.

PigConsult is the result of that vision. It structures and integrates knowledge from praxis and theory. PigConsults offers the education in praxis and in theory when it comes to personnel and personnel management. At PigConsult it all revolves around personnel. A few examples are weekly planning of tasks and the coaching in detail of those tasks. The combination provides motivated staff and therefore takes the farm to the next level concerning continuity, technical and economic results.

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Jorn Oude Lansink

23 jaar en sinds 6 september werkzaam als management assistent bij PigConsult. Op mijn 13de begonnen met een baantje bij een varkensbedrijf in de buurt en door de jaren heen steeds meer passie ontwikkeld voor de varkenshouderij. De volgende stap was de opleiding varkens-en pluimveehouderij aan de Aeres Hogeschool in Dronten, waar ik een goede basis heb kunnen leggen om op verder te bouwen. Nu ik mijn studie heb afgerond mag ik samen met Joep elke dag het vak uitoefenen waar ik heel veel voldoening uit haal, namelijk werken met varkens en het optimaliseren van de bedrijfsvoering.

Intake interview

Getting to know each other and talking through day to day operations.

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How does PigConsult operate

Describing Roadmap

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A look behind the scenes.

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